The Wild Feather: A Podcast Celebrating the Grit and Perseverance of Female Founders and Investors

Let's face it. Building a startup company takes dedication, hard work, resilience, tough skin, and grit. It can be a very lonely road. I know because I have been there. The Wild Feather is there to celebrate the small or big wins and to encourage you during tough times. It starts with a vision or a dream and we want to support and encourage you to help you achieve your dream.
By sharing the stories of other female founders and investors, we hope to inspire you and give valuable insight that may help you along your journey. Whether you are before the idea stage, in the trenches, or you have achieved your dream, we want to connect.
Hearing about the journeys of other founders and investors can spark new ideas, new resources, or new approaches. We get to learn and try amazing products too!
When I was building BOJ, a software, and mobile app startup, she faced many challenges that turned into priceless learning and personal growth. I felt defeated, lonely, exhausted, and financially doomed but I still believed in my WHY and MISSION so I kept fighting the fight. By the grace of God, I was invited to be part of an eight-month Masterclass with 11 other women founders. It was then that I realized that everyone faces similar challenges and I wasn't alone. Game Changer!
A lot of people offer their unsolicited or solicited opinions when you start going down the accelerator or funding path which can create a lot of noise and confusion for a founder. I stopped counting the number of times we changed our pitch deck and pitch.
Finding a support system that you can confide in to relate to, brainstorm, get ideas, be empathetic, be genuine, be honest, and be a friend who listens makes a transformational impact.

Behind The Mic
Brooke Dunwell is the CEO of Carbon 3 Recruiting, The Wild Feather Podcast, Beyond Your Compass, and her personal brand She has recruited and consulted with startups for over 14 years. Carbon 3 Recruiting specializes in building established startups that are ready to scale.

It wasn’t until she was the Founder of boj, a SaaS/mobile AI app, did she truly experience the immense grit a founder goes through. During that time, the seed for The Wild Feather Podcast was planted.

She is inspired by the strength, courage, and perseverance of women every day. She is forever grateful for the guests on the show and all of the insight they have shared.

The Wild Feather is her way of giving back, connecting, and helping others

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